Agenda of 11/13/2018
Connies Restaurant: 4:00 PM
Meeting will be opened by the president at 4:00 PM
- President entertains any amendments to the agenda.
- President reviews last month’s minutes and asks for revisions, additions and approval.
- Old Business:
- Report from Certified Operator.
- Formal acceptance of Sewell’s revised calculations for Syringa NUFFs.
- Financial Report.
- Water loss report.
- Update on Bylaws.
- New Business
- Report from President on web site, bylaws.
- Review and discussion of workshop with Sewell in their presentation of Final Facilities Plan.
- Begin composition of bullet points Mr. Stephen Smith asked for his negotiations with the City of Sandpoint regarding their moves into Syringa Heights Water District at North View and Lulu Court.
- Begin budget review (based on data sent by Frank to board members.)
- Closure of Meeting.