Agenda of 10/9/2018
Connies Restaurant: 4:00 PM
Meeting will be opened by the vice-president at 4:00 PM
- VP entertains any amendments to the agenda.
- VP reviews last month’s minutes and asks for revisions, additions and approval.
- Old Business:
- Report from any board member on DEQ status / Dover and District improvements.
- Report by Fred on Sewell’s actions on completing new “Equity” costs/ buy-in.
- Report from Certified Operator.
- Financial Report.
- Water loss report.
- These questions still need answers: status of “equity fee” for new hookups? Submission of CC Ordinance to DEQ.
- Update on Petitions for Annexation.
- Update on Bylaws.
- New Business
- Review of task item list. Plan extra workshop sessions to:
- Revise By-laws.
- Plan for public approval process of the Plan
- Review board member responsibilities and hours. And confirmation of officers.
- Review and plan in detail facilities upgrade plan. Funding sources.
- Budget Review
- Review of web site
- Review of reasons for executive sessions.
- Closure of Meeting.