Minutes of 4-16-2020 Meeting

Minutes 4/16/2020

Tim’s Shop, 163 Pinecrest Lane, Sandpoint, 3:00 PM

Board members present: Gable, Nitcy, Drinkard, Blankenship (Darnell is home, self- quarenteed)

Also present: Certified Operator, Frank Cafferty.

[The meeting was held in a place in which the board members can sit 10 feet apart.]

President opened meeting at 3:00 PM

  1. President entertained any amendments to the agenda. There were none.
  2. Board minutes of the previous month were reviewed and approved.
  3. Old Business:
    1. Secretary Darnell had already emailed in the Financials. Currently, there are balances of $28, 931.98 in checking and $344,342.85 in reserves. He also reported monthly water loss of 108,000 gallons at the cost of about $400.
    2. Cafferty reported that during March he had significant numbers of “One Calls.” Moreover, he reported that he spent an extraordinary amount of time during the March 14 blizzard making sure Avista got the power back on to our customers. He only reported five of the 12 hours he was on duty. Drinkard moved that he be paid for the additional 7 hours. Drinkard attested to Mr. Cafferty’s extra work . Seconded by Ms. Gable the additional pay was approved with one caveat:

In the future, all checks to Mr. Cafferty will, starting with this check, will be issued by our Secretary, Mr. Darnell.

  1. New Business
  1. Review of email discussion with Tupelo Ridge Association about Syringa’s district lines’ dissection of their properties. The board decided that our first task will be to determine exactly how much time and money is required to process one de-annexation. Mr. Cafferty has been assigned that task. Once he determines the cost the board will then address Mr. Robert Meyer’s request that Syringa pay for that de-annexation. No decision was made, but several board members opined that the cost should be borne by the property owner.
  2. Review of Sewell report on movement to summer construction jobs. According to Scott Brown of Sewell he plans to get to DEQ the Preliminary Plans by May and then go out to bid in late May.
  3. Review of our plans to build a shed and natural gas generator on Pine Street so that our customers never again have to lose water due to power outages. The board asked Mr. Blankenship to work with Sewell to first determine how much property Syringa does or doesn’t own where the pump station is. He will work with Sewell to draw up a Preliminary Engineering plan of the new pump house with a natural gas generator.
  4. Review of draft of water district “policies.” Drinkard, once again, promised to get a draft to the board by the next meeting. Promises, promises.
  5. Although the board has not given up entirely on the idea of procuring water from Dover, it is apparent any decision, negative or positive, will take a long time. We concluded that it best to continue to be served by Sandpoint.
  6. Summary of board action items to be completed by next meeting.

In addition to those implied or stated above,

  1. Stephen to finish draft of Policy statements.
  2. Tim B. (and/ or Sewell) will determine what subdivisions are being approved by Sandpoint that are in our District boundaries.
  3. Tim will initiate the work on the natural gas generator.
  4. Frank will be paid to get by next board meeting the cost to de-annex one customer.
  1. Closure of Meeting at 4:30.