Minutes of 9-7-2016

Minutes of Special Meeting with City of Dover   September 7, 1 PM Dover City Hall

Board members present – Drinkard, Gabel, Cafferty, Darnell

Visitor – Tim Blankenship – Sewell Engineers

City of Dover – Mayor Shaha, Bill Strand, Scott with TO Engineers

Dover facilities plan update by Bill Strand.

Purpose of meeting was to evaluate possibility of City of Dover supplying Syringa Water District potable water into the future.

Improvements to Syringa system was discussed.

Improvements by City of Dover to accommodate supplying water was discussed.  Dover could have improvements done by fall of 2017.

Tim stated that there would be several benefits to Syringa by changing from Sandpoint to Dover. Most notably would be uninterrupted water supply if power was off for short periods of time. Other benefits would be lower usage rate and stabilized pressures in Syringa system. Savings could also be had by not having the monthly $350.00 plus monthly meter charge.

Changing to Dover would not cause an increase in the current rates charged to Syringa users.

Tim will have an update for the District at our regular 2nd Tuesday of the month meeting regarding proposed improvements to the system and possibly some estimated costs.

Bill needed a tentative approval by the Board so he can present the issue at their regular Council meeting on Sept. 22, 2016. The Board unanimously agreed to have Bill present this to Dover Council, and to move forward on the premise that Syringa will advertise a public hearing for input from Certificate holders on the issue. Tim will advise the Board on this procedure.

Fred Darnell,

Secy Treas.