Changes to Bylaws

The following are the changes made to Bylaws as requested by the Board on 12-14-2016

November 2016 Changes to By-Laws

Item 9 —  Add sentence (Upon issuing a Certificate to a new user, the Secretary may elect to advise the new user by letter as to how to access the By-Laws and website of the District. It will be the responsibility of the user to familiarize themselves with these documents.)

Exhibit A – (D)  ADD (The cost of a new Certificate shall be $7500.00 as of Dec 1, 2016)

Changes to web site

On the HOME page – Change 19,000,000 to 31,000,000 (as of  November 2016) and current billed users 203 as of November 2016.

Under Budget and Billing 

Insert new 2017 Budget numbers —  also show revenue with balance to Reserve account.

Under example —  change water cost per thousand gallons