Agenda of 9/11/2018

Connies Restaurant: 4:00 PM


Meeting will be opened by President Benjamin at 4:00 PM


  1. President entertains any amendments to the agenda.
  2. President reviews last month’s minutes and asks for revisions, additions and approval.
  3. Old Business:


  1. Report from any board member on DEQ status / Dover and District improvements. Deliberate action may be required to get the final plan.
  2. Report from Certified Operator.
  3. Financial Report.
  4. Water loss report.
  5. These questions still need answers: status of “equity fee” for new hookups? Submission of CC Ordinance to DEQ.


  1. New Business


  1. Review of task item list. Plan extra workshop sessions to:
    1. Revise By-laws.
    2. Plan for public approval process of the Plan
  • Review board member responsibilities and hours. Discuss possibilities of hiring additional help. Outline existing job descriptions.
  1. Review and plan in detail facilities upgrade plan. Funding sources.
  2. Decide how do we appoint new board members? What is the process?
  3. Decide how do we make the shift from certificates to none?
  1. Review of web site
  2. Review of reasons for executive sessions.



  1. Closure of Meeting.