Minutes of 10-10-2017

Syringa Heights Water District

Meeting Minutes




Meeting opened by President Mike Benjamin at 4 PM


Board members present: Gabel, Drinkard, Cafferty, Darnell


Discussion regarding upcoming election to fill a Board seat. Per the By-Laws, notice will be given on the December and January billings. Anyone interested can submit their name until January 10, 2018. Election will be held at the regular Board meeting in February. This is for a 6 year commitment.


Discussion re: water pressure and responsibility of Certificate holders. The website now has a newsletter regarding this.


Discussion re: possibility of sectioning the distribution lines to enable easier ways to determine where leaks may be happening. It appears that over 240,000 gallons was lost during the month of September. Fred to verify those on Meter #2 – Rocky Point area users closely match the reading on that master meter.


Past due accounts were reviewed. Action taken last month resulted in payment in full.


Meeting ended at 5:15  PM