Minutes of 10-16-2019 Meeting

Special Meeting/Workshop


Meeting at Sewell offices opened at 10:AM by President Stephen Drinkard

Members present – Gabel, Cafferty, Darnell,

Sewell reps – Tim Blankenship ,  Scott Brown

Topics of Discussion: 

  1. John Nitcy  was approved by the Board to fill a vacancy on the Board. His term will run until Jan1, 2020.
  2. Sewell has completed the list of properties that are partially within the boundary of the District. Stephen will get advice from Steve Smith as to how best to proceed on notifying those owners and getting concurrence if they want to be in or out of the District.
  3. Ryley Reese – connection was made without submitting engineered drawings to District or County for approval, and no permit was in place at time of installation. Sewell had spoken to their engineer but did not get information back for approval. Service under the road is for more than one meter, but needs to be a minimum 3” extension to serve the 4 lot development. No meters to be installed until issue is resolved. Tim will contact their engineer and keep Drinkard informed.
  4. It was discussed and approved for the District to have a qualified installer to make connections to the system and run services to respective property lines, and install the meter setter. Tim will prepare specifications for submission to interested contractors for two year commitment to make required installations. That way, the District has control over quality of connections and extensions, since all work to the meter is responsibility of District to maintain.
  5. The District should have a form on the website for applications for service. Stephen will follow up on this.
  6. IDEQ –  Sewell to complete form as best they can, then Frank will complete and return to Sewell    (Water Service provider)
  7. City of Dover – it was agreed to wait until new Council is in place – (February) to continue talks about providing District with water.  Engineering work relative to who our supplier is will be put off until then.
  8. FUTURE PROJECTS – It was agreed to have Sewell finalize specifications for all priority  1 items and get to Frank. Since these are small maintenance type items, Frank will coordinate with Poelstra on getting this work done.

A  –  Stephen moved Frank 2nd that Sewell begin required work to enable replacement of 6” AC pipe. This needs to be done regardless of who our water supplier turns out to be. All agreed.


Special Workshop/Meeting   October 16, 2019    (Continued)

  • Kim and Julie Keaton sent an email with concerns. Fred will talk with them.
  • Dan Shupp sent a check as partial payment of Equity fee, asking to pay balance over time. (within 1 year) . He asked that we proceed to provide him a connection, He is currently on a well and would like the option for Syringa to provide him water in the furure. Fred to visit with Dan.
  • Confirmation that notice of election will be printed on Nov and Dec billings.  Seats on Board now held by Nitcy and Darnell are up for grabs.

Frank moved to adjourn – 2nd by Syephen – all in favor –  12:15 PM

Respectfully submitted

Fred Darnell
