Minutes November 11, 2014

Syringa Heights Warwe District

Meeting minutes


Meeting opened at 4:30 PM

Members present:  Benjamin. Gable, Drinkard, Darnell

Visitor:  Frank Cafferty


Meter issues discussed. Mari Cower (cert # 38) meter has been non-functioning for a very long period of time. Meter was replaced for Sept reading, and read again on Oct. 1. She complained that the second reading was less than the first reading, and she thought one of them was wrong. Frank explained that the first billing she got was to somewhat correct the fact that they had not been billed for water usage for a long time., due to a faulty meter. The second reading was an actual reading. The board discussed the situation, and determined that even though the Cower’s had not been paying for water they used, and should have notified the district, the district needs to be more aggressive on monitoring  low – usage readings and take action as soon as it is discovered. Notices will be sent to users who may be underpaying and not notifying the district in the future, so short-payers will not continue to take District water for free.


Fred will send Mari an email saying that the Board decided to not pursue past water usage payment at this time. If State rules governing this situation put the District in jeopardy, it will be re-addressed.


Mike will check other current low reading meters as he can. Probably be Spring to check for bad meters. In the meantime, we are still getting more in water fees than we are paying, so if there are other bad meters, it is not money out of pocket.


Frank stated that he has completed renewing our non-profit re-instatement with the State and we have been issued the paperwork confirming the State recognizes us again. Thanks, Frank!


Sandpoint still has not installed their meter at Tatterson property. FYI


Fred to check with Jeff Pence about Ann’s water use and bill payment.


Stephen to visit with Tim at Sewell about grant, and email update to Board .


Fred asked Board to visit our website www.syringawater.org , and review information and By-laws and offer any comments at next Board meeting.


Frank will have payables relative to the 2014 Budget ending Nov 30, 2014 so Board can review and come up with 2015 budget, due Jan 1, 2015.


Officers to be elected Jan meeting for 2015.


Frank will put notice on Dec. billing that there is an opening on the Board.


Next meeting the 2nd Tuesday of December.


Meeting adjourned at 5:35 PM