Minutes of 1-9-2018 Meeting

Syringa Heights Water District

Meeting Minutes



Meeting opened by President Mike Benjamin at 3:55

Board Members present: Drinkard, Gabel, Cafferty, Darnell

Visitors: Uzabel, Tim Blankenship


Charis Uzabel presented the Board with a proposal to update contact information for all users. Her plan and proposed letter to be mailed was accepted (moved by Stephen and second by Frank) and Fred will send her a confirming email.


Tim addressed several issues for the Board.

  1. After much research and analysis, the Brown/Kimmel pressure situation is this: – the District is supplying pressures within the range required by IDAPA 58.01.08 guidelines. The cost of adding a pump station would be around $45,000.00, which would be borne by all Certificate holders for the benefit of 2 users. It was determined that this would not be acceptable, since the water supplied falls within D E Q standards. The practical thing would be for individual booster pumps to be installed by those requiring increased pressures. This solution is acceptable by DEQ and the District. Tim will contact D E Q for an opinion from them as to what obligations we have as a District, and what recommendations they have.
  2. District boundary plan: research has turned up no information as to how the existing boundary was established. DEQ will require an official boundary plan. Old records that are available do not include that information. Fred and Tim will continue the effort to find out something. The attorneys that were involved are deceased, and an effort will be made to find their old records. Tim suggested we get an attorney involved to help with officially having our District boundaries defined and recorded.
  3. Continued water loss is still a problem. 189,000 gallons lost last month. It was decided to table this item for 2 months.
  4. DEQ progress on our upgrade plan approvals. Tim is to make another inquiry on behalf of the Board.

Other Business:


Discussion as to whether we should be an Association or District, and what are the benefits of each. With no records as to why the change was made in the 80’s, we need clarification. It was decided to ask an attorney.


It was decided that we should allow a Certificate be purchased by Bonner County for the improved waste handling site on Upland Drive. Same conditions as if it were a residence.


The 2018 Budget approval was tabled until February meeting


Discussion about an additional item to be added to By-Laws – Exhibit A (H) as follows:

(All Certificate holders with an active connection agree to abide with all rules, requirements and controls of regulatory agencies, which govern the District, including water safety and pressure issues.)


Financial Report.  Balance as of Dec.1, 2017  $270,861.89.  (Balance Dec1, 2016 $249,289.73)
